Wednesday, December 31, 2008

December 31st, 2008: Whew—2008—such a year! I don’t consider it my task to summarize this eventful year, but there were three memorable happenings in my life which I expect will continue to prompt change and creativity for some time. First chronologically would be my visit to Seattle in May and realizing how much I want to include Lorenzo in my life. Given my health limits over the past several months, I think we’ve done admirably. I continue to feel close and cared for; may this relationship grow for both of us.

The next big event started with a relatively simple hip replacement in late August which revealed an unexpected health crisis: advanced sarcoma of the pelvis growing into the pubic bone and an inner thigh muscle as well as possible sites in the lungs and liver. Ouch. The cancer diagnosis was a total surprise, complicated by increasing discomfort which needed serious pain management. At the time it didn’t seem rapid, but in retrospect, organizing the medical team and decisions about treatment happened quickly. Also, the decision to create this blog has been one of the best steps I’ve taken this year. This site has become a source of information about my changing health as well as a place where each reader can participate in helping me heal. I am not kidding when I say that it’s made a difference for all of you to recite the invocation for healing during my chemo treatments. I cannot overcome cancer alone. To my surprise, the blog has become a hub of healing that I never anticipated. My original intention was to cut down on my phone calls to friends. What a wonderful surprise to have this site become interactive and communal.

And finally, the long haul of Barack Obama through the primaries and the presidential race resulting in his winning the presidency has been a big part of 2008 for me. Each of these events seem big, and there are other compelling stories as well: the damage of Prop 8 passing, the growth of my godson Willem during his first year, and all the many acts of courage and grace and creativity that each of you has shared with me during this year. My deepest thanks to all of you for being in my life. And to all of you, a very Happy and Gratifying New Year.

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