Thursday, November 6, 2008

November 6th, 2008: Went to work this morning and jammed to finish the first draft of my current project. Once done, I came home and headed for bed. Then the phone rang and I picked up the long-awaited call from the hospital. “We have a bed for you!” Music, music. After hosting this cancer for years, giving it the best food I could find, nurturing it with no interruptions to growth, finally, I am going to start assaulting the “Haughty Foe.” That’s what Lorenzo calls my cancer: The Haughty Foe. Well, Haughty Foe, “Get outta here. Go.”

I doubt if I will have any treatments this evening, but tomorrow, the chemo will start. If you would all go to the November 3rd blog entry and take a minute to read or better yet, recite out loud, my invocation welcoming the chemical assault, I would truly appreciate this effort from you. I’ll be getting the chemo on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. If you read the invocation on any or all of those days, you will be so right next to me. That’s what I’ll be doing as well. Reading the invocation and starting on the path to accelerated healing. Thank you all for being a part of my path.

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